33 Weeks

Wow, 33!  We’re coming down to the wire!  The majority of the weekend we’ve spent preparing the nursery.  Mr. Handsome painted the changing table, and I sewed some curtains and made some DIY art.

I used to love painting and crafting; it’s now much harder to bend myself over a canvas with this large belly of mine!

 It’s a simple piece of art, just the alphabet.  I added this little bee to some empty space, too!

 Here’s our nursery so far: chest of drawers, bookshelf, rocking chair…

 The changing table that Hubby painted:

 The curtains I sewed (yep those are buttons):

 Whew!  All of this done within the last couple of weeks, with those projects done just within the last couple of days!  It’s been fun (but exhausting!).  It’s really starting to feel real…we’re gonna have a little boy living in there very soon!  Yikes/Yay!

We still, as you may have noticed, don’t have a crib.  Hopefully that situation will be resolved soon; UPS has said they will pay for the damages, so I’m hoping that comes through really soon.  It has been really tough to wait on their decision before buying a different crib, but I think we’re gonna do some crib shopping this week (I am so excited for this!).

Thank goodness I am almost done with these rotations out of town.  This is my last full week, and I am more than ready to be back home with Mr. Handsome and my puppies, and in my house.  We’ve still got lots to do before baby arrives, and it’s easier to do it when I am actually here 😉

So, what’s this week brought us?  I’m pretty comfortable, for the most part (famous last words).  I have to take it easy, obviously, but otherwise, I’m feeling pretty good!  The swelling wasn’t as bad this week, and the OB said not to worry about it, anyway, at my appointment last Monday.  Blood pressure, weight, baby’s heart rate, etc all looked good, and I’m still measuring right on my dates (even though every stranger I meet tells me I look HUGE for 33 weeks…lol!).  I am so thankful that he’s healthy, and I am so thankful that these last couple of weeks have been easier!

I’m back to smaller meals, again, since I just cannot fit an entire meal in my squished stomach.  Baby sure does take up lots of room, and this means that I have to eat smaller meals more frequently.  I was worried that this would mean I would lose weight, but so far, my weight is still good!

Here’s a look at 33 weeks in review:
Baby is as big as a: Durian Fruit (never seen one of those before)
Cravings/Aversions: none in particular, just not too much of anything at once 🙂
DIY projects left: 2
DIY projects done: 3
Baby weighs: 5 pounds!  And he grew an entire inch…just over the last week!!!
Weeks and Days left until my Due Date: 7 weeks, 47 days?!?  
The Puppies: love being in the nursery…I think they think it’s their playroom, lol!
Looking forward to:  my work shower this coming Saturday!
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